In its 4/22/22 issue, Orangevale View published my poem “At 4:44” on page 16.

I’ll post the link to it when OV View posts it online.

“At 4:44” can also be found in this blog via the following link:

A clock that says 4:44 on 4/4 can seem like fourever o’clock; a knot-like writer’s block

For a list of my other poems that OV View published, and for lists of my poems that are published submissions outside of Orangevale View, they can be found (at my other blog) via the following link:

List of poems by Z.F. Thrimej that got published by Orangevale View

Flashback Friday: In 2018, Easter was on April’s 1st day. I wrote a poem about this; I ‘ll share it again today.

For Easter happening on April 1, maybe Jesus fools people who thought he was done.

Before Easter, he appears to have croaked.

April first Easter makes that seem like a hoax.

The following is a link to my poem (“Easter”) in its original form:

A new day and new month is a chance to be reborn.