Silhouettes of trees are what someone sees.

Those trees are really dark sideburns.

Hair above them grows

like leaves.


Hairstyle Appreciation Day (30th of April)

and even Arbor Day (last Friday of April)

remind me of these thoughts (in this post: they’re its staple).

This poem Silhouettes of Trees was in a Milpitas Post issue;

the memory of my poem still does continue.

Pogo stick crutches for recovering kangaroos

could be enjoeyable

(in and out of zoos).


World Veterinary Day (final Saturday in April)

and We Jump The World Day (29th of April)

remind me of these thoughts (in this post: they’re its staple).

This poem Bounce Back was in a Milpitas Post issue;

the memory of my poem still does continue.

And while I did not submit that line with zoos to Milpitas Post,

part of me wishes that I did. It can feel like a ghost.

In its 4/26/24 issue, Orangevale View published my poems “Paper”

and Silly Possibilities for a Silly Person. They’re on pages 5 and 9.

Paper can also be found in this blog via link .

Silly Possibilities for a Silly Person is also in this blog via

and (for its intro:) .

Here’s the link to OV View‘s 4/26/24 issue (where they also appear): .

Two weeks earlier, in its 4/12/24 issue, OV View published my poem More Silly Possibilities for a Silly Person. It’s on page 5.

Here’s the link to the issue: .

More Silly Possibilities for a Silly Person can also be found in this blog via .

Reflecting with the water, a hiker found harbor

(where mood became calmer…

where I ponder)…

Reflecting with the water, a hiker found harbor (where mood became calmer… where I ponder)… Stream

This stream: serene, scenic.

Not easy to leave it

(blue green surreal trip,

a deep drift,

healing, unspoken



Earth Day (the 22nd of April)

reminds me of these thoughts (in this post: they’re its staple).

My poem and photo share a name, and that name is Stream.

They feature Mother Nature (whom folks should esteem).

High, winged, or feathered creatures

get close together.

Soaking up waves of pleasure,

they savor rainbowy nectar.

High, winged, or feathered creatures get close together. Soaking up waves of pleasure, they savor rainbowy nectar.


The high of 420 (on the 20th of April)

reminds me of these thoughts (in this post: they’re its staple).

My poem and my painting both share the name High Winged…

The sentence after this one is about timing.

While this April 21 post may feel one day late,

I’d rather post it now than have to wait.

Shoes (normally found on a surface or on feet)

strangely hang on wire above a street.

Could hanging shoes be a warning or a message?

Minds are what these shoes could mess with.

Maybe they’re part of a legend.

They could be a symbol of a change, departure, or end.

Perhaps they mark territory (more so if they have scent).

Wire over street is where lost shoes could’ve went…


National Hanging Out Day (19th of April)

reminds me of these thoughts (in this post: they’re its staple).

This poem Shoes was in a Milpitas Post issue;

the memory of my poem still does continue.

And while I did not submit its last 2 italic sentences to Milpitas Post,

part of me wishes that I did. They can feel like a ghost.