Recorded my reading of my poem “Summer Solstice”. Here is the link to it:

“Summer Solstice” can also be found in my other blog (via the following link )

and in Orangevale View‘s June 4, 2021 issue on page 10.

In its 6/10/22 issue, Orangevale View published my poem “At a Pizza School” on page 5.

I’ll post the link to it when OV View posts it online.

“At a Pizza School” can also be found in this blog via the following link:

At a pizza school, graduates toss their caps like they are pizza dough spinning into the sky.

For a list of my poems that OV View published, and for lists of my poems that are published submissions outside of Orangevale View, they can be found (at my other blog) via the following link:

List of poems by Z.F. Thrimej that got published by Orangevale View