Martin Luther King Junior was a civil rights mover

and community improver. He dreamt and strove for a better now and better future.

Born before a boomer, he made an impact deep and super.

People honor him on the third Monday of the new year.


This poem MLK Jr. is in Orangevale View.

On page 13 and here’s the link to its issue:

Fitting lesson sounds like fit less in: one way to respond to a meme that’s interestin’

(and that upgrades minds so that folks aren’t just guessin’).

That meme got shared by She Doesn’t Deny Her Crazy.

Here’s the link to that meme (practical and brainy):

Wakanda Forever ponders deep with moments light and heavy,

echoing, insightful, and thankful through memory.


A longer more new version of this poem or entry:

Worthwhile Film

For those ready for a film that’s PG-13,

“Black Panther 2” is worth being heard and seen.

“Wakanda Forever” ponders deep with moments light and heavy,

echoing, insightful, and thankful through memory.


Update on 12/9/2022: Orangevale View published the longer version of this poem in its 12/9/2022 issue on page 5.

In its 10/28/22 issue, Orangevale View published my poem “Feather Duster” on page 2.

Here’s the link to the issue:

“Feather Duster” can also be found in this blog via the following link:

A feather duster might cause a bird to wonder: Was that feather duster a sister or a brother

For a list of my poems that this newspaper published, and for lists of my poems that are published submissions outside of it, they can be found via the following:

List of poems by Z.F. Thrimej that got published by Orangevale View

In its 10/14/22 issue, Orangevale View published my poem “Spider” on page 12.

“Spider” can also be found in this blog via the following link:

If a spider likes veggies, they could be cobwebbed salad. A spin on Cobb salad can also be valid;

I’ll post the link to the issue when OV View posts it online.

For a list of my poems that this newspaper published, and for lists of my poems

that are published submissions outside of it, they can be found via the following:

List of poems by Z.F. Thrimej that got published by Orangevale View