In its 1/28/22 issue, Orangevale View published my poems “Ho Ho Ho” and “Anagram for Minutes” on pages 9 and 19.

I’ll post the link to the issue when OV View posts it online.

“Ho Ho Ho” and “Anagram for Minutes” can also be found in this blog via the following links:

Maybe ho ho ho was said to Scrooge in the form of ghost ghost ghosts, echoes showing what went, what goes,


An anagram for minutes? i am nuts.

When I submitted these 2 poems for OV View earlier this month (January), I thought that submitting them at the time that I did may have been 1 month too late and 2 months too late for publication. I was proven wrong. So if you ever feel like you might be too late, maybe there’s still a chance that that is not really the case.

For a list of my other poems that OV View published and for lists of my poems that are published submissions outside of Orangevale View, they can be found (at my other blog) via the following link:

List of poems by Z.F. Thrimej that got published by Orangevale View

Voodoo Maker, Dark Mermaid, Small Cube of Cheese, Spiderweb, and The 13th Month

are the titles of five of my poems that I posted over at my other blog When Deadlines Become Zombies (that can be found via link ). For some reason when I try to search for them online, the results are not leading to these five (at least not yet).

So in an effort to improve their chances of being found and hopefully perused, i’m posting links to these five poems after their titles. Here they are:

Voodoo Maker

Dark Mermaid

Small Cube of Cheese


The 13th Month

After 11 and a half years of writing newspaper poems and after a little more than 3 years of writing them for the Orangevale View, I have to at least take a break from creating new ones.

For everyone who’s supported my poetry, thank you. You gave more than I anticipated, and I appreciate this a lot. For anyone who may be interested or new to my works,

info about them can be found on my website at .

Thanks for listening,

Z.F. Thrimej

Relating to Easter and April Fools’ Day, and over at my other blog, I posted a list of my poetry submissions that got published.

That post is also self-promotion (because at this moment I feel shameless). For those who are interested, you can check out the list via the following link:

While i have not posted anything new on this blog for a while (since i don’t have any recent photos to share yet),

i’ve been more active on my other When Deadlines Become Zombies blog (where i post my more recent thoughts and poems that are not accompanied with photos since i’ve already reached my photo-posting limit there). That blog can be found via the following link: . For anyone who may be interested, check it out.

Cat in neighborhood lands on a car hood. This cat seems good, gets a closer look.

Not only comfortable, but this cat seems loveable…
Cat in neighborhood lands on a car hood.
This cat seems good, gets a closer look.

Near windshield wiper, a cat spots a driver. What that cat is thinking is not easy to decipher.

Near windshield wiper, a cat spots a driver…
What that cat is thinking is not easy to decipher.

In front of windshield (near the steering wheel), a cat keeps it real and also can appeal.

In front of windshield (near a steering wheel), a cat keeps it real…
…a cat keeps it real and can also appeal.

Not only comfortable, but this cat seems loveable, thoughtful, wonderful, and cuddleble.

…this cat seems loveable, thoughtful, wonderful, and cuddleble.

Mindful like an owl, like a tiger that can growl, hushed like silent vowel, this cat’s resting (before a prowl?).

Mindful like an owl…
…like an owl, like a tiger…
…like a tiger that can growl…
hushed like silent vowel,
this cat’s resting (before a prowl)?