To build a blanket fort unites people (like it’s sport).

For kids: it’s a resort, more cozy than airports.

A bed, chairs, table may be used for its support.

Cushions, pillows, blankets are parts of it (of course).


This poem Blanket Fort is in Orangevale View.

On page 11 and here’s the link to its issue:

Making a vision board is a way to not be bored, promotes moving forward, highlights goals to move toward.

It can show what people hope,

get them stoked, maybe both.

Motivation: it evokes

while inspiring growth.


This poem Vision Board is in Orangevale View.

On page 10 and here’s the link to its issue:

In its 12/9/22 issue, Orangevale View published my poem “Worthwhile Film”

on page 5. It can also be found in this blog via the following link:

Wakanda Forever ponders deep with moments light and heavy,

I’ll post the link to the issue when OV View posts it online.

“Worthwhile Film” also feels like a milestone since it’s my 500th poetry submission that got published.

Also, here’s a photo of it:

For a list of my poems that Orangevale View published, and for lists of my poems that are published submissions outside of it, they can be found (at my other blog) via the following:

List of poems by Z.F. Thrimej that got published by Orangevale View

In its 11/25/2022 issue, Orangevale View published my poems “Bingo” and “Front Seat Dog”

on pages 6 and 14. They can also be found in this blog via the following links:

A customer learns that a store has zero bingo cards, and so: a voice inside that person’s mind says “B-I-N-G no”.


A customer learns that a store has zero bingo cards, and so: a voice inside that person’s mind says “B-I-N-G no”.

I’ll post the link to the issue when OV View posts it online.

For a list of my poems that this newspaper published, and for lists of my poems that are published submissions outside of it, they can be found via the following:

List of poems by Z.F. Thrimej that got published by Orangevale View

If a spider likes veggies, they could be cobwebbed salad. A spin on Cobb salad can also be valid;

beets can be added (attracting the palate).

This thread (which is read): weaving beats like a ballad.


Here’s an 8-lined version (written in italic):

If a spider likes veggies,

they could be cobwebbed salad.

A spin on Cobb salad

can also be valid;

beets can be added

(attracting the palate).

This thread (which is read):

weaving beats like a ballad.


Here’s a shorter version (also in italic):

If a spider likes veggies,

they could be cobwebbed salad.

A spin on Cobb salad

can be valid to the palate.

This thread (which is read):

weaving beats like a ballad.

In its 9/16/22 issue, Orangevale View published my poem “Shadowed Leaves” on page 18.

Based on the photo in the post before this one, “Shadowed Leaves” can also be found in my other blog via the following link:

Shadowed leaves with reeds gather like a flock (listening to waves while branching aloft).

I’ll post the link to the issue when OV View posts it online.

For a list of my poems that this newspaper published, and for lists of my poems that are published submissions outside of it, they can be found via the following:

List of poems by Z.F. Thrimej that got published by Orangevale View

In its 6/10/22 issue, Orangevale View published my poem “At a Pizza School” on page 5.

I’ll post the link to it when OV View posts it online.

“At a Pizza School” can also be found in this blog via the following link:

At a pizza school, graduates toss their caps like they are pizza dough spinning into the sky.

For a list of my poems that OV View published, and for lists of my poems that are published submissions outside of Orangevale View, they can be found (at my other blog) via the following link:

List of poems by Z.F. Thrimej that got published by Orangevale View

In its 2/24/22 issue, Orangevale View published my poem “Pink Anagram” on page 17.

I’ll post the link to it when OV View posts it online.

“Pink Anagram” can also be found in this blog, in the post before this one.

For a list of my other poems that OV View published, and for lists of my poems that are published submissions outside of Orangevale View, they can be found (at my other blog) via the following link:

List of poems by Z.F. Thrimej that got published by Orangevale View