Intro to silly possibilities for a silly person

A preface is being considered for an earlier list.

For those who might be curious, the preface goes like this:

April (which is National Humor Month)

feels like the best time to think of puns

and to play with words and language.

Here’s a list to encourage getting creative:

The previous four lines would lead to thoughts from two lists


and ,

or where they are reminisced).

If a sauce is a success, it can also be saucecess.

If this pun made someone laugh,

it connects and with zest!

While this might be a mess

or flavored (like Tex-Mex)

or smooth to digest,

this is like a taste test


National Sauce Month (also known as March)

reminds me of these thoughts (in this post: they’re its heart).

This poem has a title and that title is Sauce.

It might be food for thought (for the mind to nosh).

Its last 4 italic lines are its alternate ending.

Adding them on, my mood felt unrelenting…

Pleased to have learned that just because a cat looks

like it has fallen asleep does not necessarily mean that it approves

of the decision (made by its human friend)

to take a break from petting it;

strangely validating.


Respect Your Cat Day (the 28th of March)

reminds me of these thoughts (in this post: they’re its heart)

This poem The Relaxing Cat Reaction was in a Milpitas Post issue;

the memory of my poem still does continue.

They do not have any popcorn,

but they do have lots

of bubble wrap…


Onto a different subject

(so this post not done yet):

Lollipops levitate

into the sky.

They’re really balloons…

gone high…


2024’s National Bubble Week (in the 3rd and 4th week of March)

reminds me of these thoughts (in this post: they’re its heart).

These 2 non-italic poems Popcorn? and Lollipops were in Milpitas Post issues;

the memory of both my poems still continues.

A trainee who owes a trainer is a cadebt

(and even more so

if that cadet lost a bet

or is unable to meet a certain expectation;

proving others wrong can be motivation)…


Debt Awareness Week (18th to 24th of March)

reminds me of these thoughts (in this post: they’re its heart).

This poem Trainee was in a Milpitas Post issue;

the memory of my poem still does continue.

And while I did not submit its last two italic lines to Milpitas Post,

part of me wishes I did. They can feel like a ghost.

More silly possibilities for a silly person

Adding on to an earlier list (at )

with these thoughts:

That person is so silly that they identify their own solid shape as a sillyuette.

That person is so silly that they describe their own ability to recover as resillyence.

That person is so silly that they describe moving faster as acsillyrating.

That person is so silly that they refer to the process of reconciling as reconsillyation.

That person is so silly that they refer to parts of their shirt as sillyves.

That person is so silly that if they had a pet dragon, they’d name it Basillysk.

That person is so silly that a type of triangle that they love to hear about is isosceles.

That person is so silly that they thought they heard so silly when they first heard of the island Sicily.

That person is so silly that instead of saying actually, they’d rather say honesilly…


A customer that excessively taps their fingers on a counter

is someone that a cashier

does not want to encounter

because that tapping often

sounds stressfully annoying.

Considerateness helps a lot

and is worth enjoying.


National Common Courtesy Day (21st of March)

reminds me of these thoughts (in this post: they’re its heart).

This poem Tapping was in a Milpitas Post issue;

the memory of my poem still does continue.