Attempted Update for Quasimodo and His Friends (Part 2)

For those who’ve not yet read the 1st part, here’s the link to the start:

And here is part 2 (without further ado):

And so Quasimodo becomes brave enough

to meet ‘Merelda at a night club.

He hopes he can convince her

to let him give her a backrub.

He walks up to her.

He’s finally ready to meet her,

but then he’s pushed aside

by a guy who thinks he’s Justin Bieber.

And he thinks of himself also as a god.

It’s the neighborhood bully!

And he goes by the name of Claude!

Claude tries to kiss ‘Merelda.

However, she does not know Claude.

She dodges his puckered lips

because he’s sleazy and NOT hot.

“Baby,” Claude says,

“I wanna make you my trophy wife.”

“Pervert! Stay away from me,

or I’ll pepper-spray your eyes!”

‘Merelda backs away from him

but Claude only advances.

Quasi finally stands up to him

and says, “This night club you should abandon!”

“I get what I want!” barks Claude,

“since I’m the best dancer and superior player.”

Then he does the moonwalk,

and while doing the Macarena.

“Thank you for sticking up for me,”

‘Merelda tells Quasimodo.

Quasi says, “You’re welcome.

Let’s hang out and drink hot cocoa.”

‘Merelda says, “I prefer coffee,”

but Claude does not agree.

This is the end of part two;

stay tuned for part three.


This poem Attempted Update for Quasimodo and His Friends (Part 2) was (years ago) in a Milpitas Post issue;

the memory of my poem still does continue.

And while the end of this poem sounded a lot like a promise,

I think I was overconfident when writing that. Here’s more of being honest:

at least not any time soon, I have nothing planned for a part three.

Maybe I’ll prove myself wrong though; that’s a possibility.

Attempted Update for Quasimodo and His Friends (Part 1)

What’s a juicy fairy tale that I can try to update?

Hugo’s Hunchback of Notre Dame; so let me postulate.

How about Quasimodo as a reclusive DJ?

He’s aware that his look might drive others away.

He wishes he could date a fan of his radio show.

He sounds like he’s good-looking,

but he ain’t no Fabio.

And so he slouches like a loser,

but that does not make him quit.

He makes a mix tape for his crush;

but how the hell will he deliver it?

And without being looked at?

So he sends his handsome friend Phoebus

as a messenger of his music.

And guess what?

Fan Esmerelda thinks Phoebus is Quasimodo!

Quasi’s plan kind of backfires,

and now he feels like a dodo.

But he will not be played,

won’t be played like a yo-yo.

So he went to Tony Robbins’ school,

got in kung-fu shape at a dojo.

Will his dating chances improve?

That is to be continued…


Disney movie The Hunchback of Notre Dame‘s release (back in 1996) on the 19th and 21st of June

reminds me of these thoughts I’m sharing with you.

This poem Attempted Update for Quasimodo and His Friends (Part 1)

was in a Milpitas Post issue;

the memory of my poem still does continue.

For the record: The “He’s aware…” sentence was not submitted to Milpitas Post

and is a replacement of a not-in-this-blog-post sentence (that I wrote years ago but I no longer agree with).

Part of me wishes I submitted this replacement instead of what I think I should have deleted.


And here is the link to Part 2: .

I’m hoping that you check it out too.