Constellations include adventurous fighter characters;

so maybe there should be (or already is?) a constellation that is a ninja

who is throwing and/or barely dodging stars

that are thrown at him or her

or them…


2024’s International Astronomy Day (18th of May)

reminds me of these thoughts that I’m sharing today.

This poem Constellations was (years ago) published by Milpitas Post.

Continuing is the memory of this poem I wrote.

For the record: the Milpitas Post version of this did not have the “or them” part

since I was not aware of nonbinary when I wrote it.

I’m including “or them” in my work now

(when I’m aware of them). Now they’re more noticed.

Vlasfqui, Sheella Byrne-Bridges, and Ava Scintlea are the names of 3 sketched characters. For more on these 3, I’m sharing these very words:


Vlasfqui has that knack of moving spry.

Music helps this creature experience a high.

When awake and dreaming, they can dance to a lullaby.

“Why not?” is their reply

to the question that is “Why?”.

Sheella Byrne-Bridges

Sheella Byrne-Bridges: she will burn bridges

with skills in pyrotechnics, she works in show business.

She learned of her abilities at a fireworked barbecue experiment;

she does special effects for entertainment and merriment.

As a musician and promoter equipped with a recorder,

she motivates herself and others to move forward and forwarder.

Ava Scintlea

Ava Scintlea is observing simply.

She’s curious towards what happened,

what is and what will be.

While a lot about her can seem like a mystery,

she finds comfort when and where there’s tranquility.

Telena Keveoyth, Druewlz Nomslop, and Arlet Ohlauvni are the names of individuals. More on them can be found via the following syllables and visuals:

Telena Keveoyth

Telena Keveoyth is tellin’ a key point.

Her insight and her voice are both adroit.

Memories and details are what she enjoys.

With ideas and possibilities, she toys.

Druewlz Nomslop

Druewlz Nomslop will simply not stop

’til those who mocked and wronged him

get caught and pay the cost.

Misunderstood and dismissed by too many on top,

Druewlz never forgot those moments of loss.

Arlet Ohlauvni

Arlet Ohlauvni is an awards show nominee.

In a romantic comedy,

she performs at least near flawlessly.

Will she win? Quite possibly.

She’s followed by fans and paparazzi.

Snoutspeak, Heylene Akap, and Mira Sdredch are the names of 3 characters. There’s info about them after this very verse.


One creature (known as Snoutspeak)

has a talking nose; that’s unique.

To feel less like an awkward beast,

his nose will smile and greet.

Heylene Akap
Heylene Akap

Heylene Akap is hailing a cab.

A driver is who she is pointing at.

Waving her hand in order to attract,

she may appear to have more arms

since she can move them fast.

Mira Sdredch

Mira Sdredch checks that a mirror is stretched

in a funhouse out west. She does special effects.

Intrigued by what might vex or perplex,

she likes to create what others don’t expect.

While working on my sketches, I thought about their names. Maybe at least a few of them look or sound strange.

My drawings are of characters and behaviors on my mind.

The following names are how they’re identified:

Ava Scintlea, Zohlya Sana, Snoutspeak, Zievris Anjin, Telena Keveoyth, Neckingsketch, Arlet Ohlauvni, Mira Sdredch, Vlasfqui, Heylene Akap, Druewlz Nomslop, Sheella Byrne-Bridges, Ready Fist, and Shoebow the canine.

Also in this blog post, my sketches: I include.

After this sentence those I drew can be viewed.

Ava Scintlea
Zohlya Sana
Zievris Anjin
Telena Keveoyth
Arlet Ohlauvni
Mira Sdredch
Heylene Akap
Druewlz Nomslop
Sheella Byrne-Bridges
Ready Fist
Shoebow the canine