A sunset wasn’t done yet, puts perspective on an upset. Its beauty: at least some get

and can take away one’s breath.

A place (i more than once met) has a resource that runs wet. Especially with a sunset, it’s more than a fun trek.
A sunset wasn’t done yet, puts perspective on an upset, Its beauty: at least some get and can take away one’s breath.

A place (i more than once met) has a resource that runs wet.

Especially with a sunset, it’s more than a fun trek.

Higher than a bunk bed, bigger than one jet,

has a soothing effect, with the heart: it does connect.

Alternate lines:

Simpler than a sublet,

and brighter than blood red,

it could be one highlight of a fun trek.

Simpler than a sublet,

more reliable than unmet:

a sunset takes away one’s breath.