Vlasfqui, Sheella Byrne-Bridges, and Ava Scintlea are the names of 3 sketched characters. For more on these 3, I’m sharing these very words:


Vlasfqui has that knack of moving spry.

Music helps this creature experience a high.

When awake and dreaming, they can dance to a lullaby.

“Why not?” is their reply

to the question that is “Why?”.

Sheella Byrne-Bridges

Sheella Byrne-Bridges: she will burn bridges

with skills in pyrotechnics, she works in show business.

She learned of her abilities at a fireworked barbecue experiment;

she does special effects for entertainment and merriment.

As a musician and promoter equipped with a recorder,

she motivates herself and others to move forward and forwarder.

Ava Scintlea

Ava Scintlea is observing simply.

She’s curious towards what happened,

what is and what will be.

While a lot about her can seem like a mystery,

she finds comfort when and where there’s tranquility.

Telena Keveoyth, Druewlz Nomslop, and Arlet Ohlauvni are the names of individuals. More on them can be found via the following syllables and visuals:

Telena Keveoyth

Telena Keveoyth is tellin’ a key point.

Her insight and her voice are both adroit.

Memories and details are what she enjoys.

With ideas and possibilities, she toys.

Druewlz Nomslop

Druewlz Nomslop will simply not stop

’til those who mocked and wronged him

get caught and pay the cost.

Misunderstood and dismissed by too many on top,

Druewlz never forgot those moments of loss.

Arlet Ohlauvni

Arlet Ohlauvni is an awards show nominee.

In a romantic comedy,

she performs at least near flawlessly.

Will she win? Quite possibly.

She’s followed by fans and paparazzi.