Shoes (normally found on a surface or on feet)

strangely hang on wire above a street.

Could hanging shoes be a warning or a message?

Minds are what these shoes could mess with.

Maybe they’re part of a legend.

They could be a symbol of a change, departure, or end.

Perhaps they mark territory (more so if they have scent).

Wire over street is where lost shoes could’ve went…


National Hanging Out Day (19th of April)

reminds me of these thoughts (in this post: they’re its staple).

This poem Shoes was in a Milpitas Post issue;

the memory of my poem still does continue.

And while I did not submit its last 2 italic sentences to Milpitas Post,

part of me wishes that I did. They can feel like a ghost.

4 thoughts on “Shoes (normally found on a surface or on feet)

    1. Whoa. This is also the first time I’ve heard of that reason. I don’t know who came up with that. Maybe drug deals being tied to hanging shoes on wire might translate to and/or suggest thoughts of getting kicks, getting high, getting wired, and lacing/laced drugs. Liking your reaction got me thinking more. Thank you Melissa.

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